Interface AccountManager

  • public interface AccountManager
    • Method Detail

      • createAccount

        void createAccount​(Credentials cred)
        Unconditionally creates an account.
      • changePassword

        void changePassword​(Credentials currentCred,
                            Credentials newCred)
        Unconditionally changes an account's password
      • onUsernameDeleted

        void onUsernameDeleted​(String username)
        Called by the DMX platform when a username topic has been deleted. This indicates the no more logins will happen with that username. The implementation may choose to remove what is has stored about that user, too.
        username -
      • checkCredentials

        CheckCredentialsResult checkCredentials​(Credentials credentials)
        Check whether the given credentials are valid in the underlying system.

        Non-DMX implementations are supposed to tell the platform via the return value, that a username topic lookup is necessary. See CheckCredentialsResult for details on how to do that.

        credentials -