Assoc |
An association with 2 ends.
AssocPlayer |
An association at the end of an Assoc .
AssocType |
Part of DMX's type system, like a class whose instances are Assoc s.
ChildTopics |
CompDef |
A composition definition of a parent type and a child type -- part of DMX's type system.
DMXObject |
The (abstract) base class of both, Topic and Assoc .
DMXType |
Identifiable |
A common interface for all entities that provide an ID.
JSONEnabled |
A common interface for all entities that provide a JSON representation.
Player |
A Player represents one of the 2 Assoc ends.
RelatedAssoc |
An Assoc-Assoc pair.
RelatedObject |
RelatedTopic |
A Topic-Assoc pair.
RoleType |
A role type is basically a topic plus a view config.
Topic |
A topic -- DMX's central data object.
TopicPlayer |
A topic at the end of an Assoc .
TopicType |
Part of DMX's type system, like a class whose instances are Topic s.
ViewConfig |
A container for config topics.