All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AccessControlException AccessControlPlugin AccessControlService AccessLayer Vendor agnostic access control on top of vendor specific storage.AccountManagementPlugin AccountManagementService AccountManager AllPluginsActive Assoc An association with 2 ends.AssocModel The data that underly anAssoc
.AssocModelImpl Data that underly anAssoc
.AssocPlayer An association at the end of anAssoc
.AssocPlayerModel The data that underly anAssocPlayer
.AssocType Part of DMX's type system, like a class whose instances areAssoc
s.AssocTypeModel The data that underly anAssocType
.AssocTypeModelImpl Data that underlies aAssocType
.AuthorizationMethod BooleanProvider CachingPlugin CatchAllExceptionMapper This mapper maps all Throwables to a suitable response.ChangeReport ChangeReport.Change CheckAssocReadAccess CheckAssocWriteAccess CheckCredentialsResult CheckDiskQuota CheckTopicReadAccess CheckTopicWriteAccess ChildTopics ChildTopicsModel The data that underly aChildTopics
object.CompDef A composition definition of a parent type and a child type -- part of DMX's type system.CompDefModel The data that underly aCompDef
.ConfigCustomizer ConfigDef ConfigModRole ConfigPlugin ConfigService ConfigTarget Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants Constants ContactsPlugin ContactsService ContextTracker Cookies Cookies contained in the thread-local ContainerRequest.CoreActivator CoreService The DMX Core Service provides generic database operations (create, retrieve, update, delete) to deal with the DMX Core objects: Topics, Associations, Topic Types, Association Types.CoreServiceImpl Implementation of the DMX core service.Credentials A pair of username and password (plain text).CriticalityLevel DeprecatedUserAccountMethods Deprecated. DeprecatedUserAccountMethods.CallableException DeprecatedUserAccountMethods.DeprecatedAccountManagementServiceCallable<T> Directive Directives Note: Directives is notJSONEnabled
as the underlying structure is a list, not an object.DirectivesResponse ADMXObject
pair to be sent as response.DirectoryListing DMXEvent Base class for all events.DMXException DMXObject DMXObjectModel The data that underly aDMXObject
.DMXObjectModelImpl DMXStorage DMXStorageFactory A factory for obtaining a DMX storage.DMXTransaction DMXType DMXUtils EventListener Marker interface for all event listener interfaces.EventsPlugin EventsService FacetsPlugin FacetsService FacetValueModel A facet value as used in update facet calls.FileRepositoryException FilesPlugin FilesService Identifiable A common interface for all entities that provide an ID.IdList Inject IntroduceAssocType ### FIXDOC Allows a plugin to modify type definitions -- exisisting ones and future ones.IntroduceRoleType IntroduceTopicType ### FIXDOC Allows a plugin to modify type definitions -- exisisting ones and future ones.ItemKind JavaUtils Generic Java utilities.JSONEnabled A common interface for all entities that provide a JSON representation.JSONEnabledCollectionProvider JSONEnabledProvider Migration Migration1 Creates "admin" user account.Migration2 Create "System" and "Administration" workspaces.Migration2 Adds assoc type "User Mailbox".Migration2 Creates missing workspace assignments for existing "Configuration" assocs.Migration2 Adds "Background Image" to "Topicmap".Migration2 Add view configs to Core types.Migration3 Migration3 Deletes topic types "File Content" and "Foler Content".Migration3 Repairing types with missing "View Config" topic.Migration3 Create "DMX" workspace.Migration4 Renames data type "Identity" -> "Entity".Migration4 Sets "Noneditable" view config for "File" and "Folder" types.Migration4 Adds "Noneditable" to "View Configuration".Migration4 Sets labels of "Enabled Sharing Modes" topics created before DMX 5.2Migration5 Set "Path" as the identity attribute for both, "File" and "Folder".Migration5 Adds "Arrow Shape" and "Hollow" props to "View Configuration".Migration5 Repairs workspaces: remove random assignments of workspace constituting associations.Migration6 Sets missing Media Types for existing office File topics.Migration6 Adds default view configs to all role types.Migration7 Adds arrow heads to 2 more role types.ModelFactory ModelFactoryImpl Neo4jStorage Neo4jStorageFactory A factory for obtaining a DMX storage based on Neo4j/Lucene.NumberProvider ObjectProvider Operation Permissions Calculated permissions for the current user.Player APlayer
represents one of the 2Assoc
ends.PlayerModel The data that underly aPlayer
.Plugin PluginActivator Base class for all DMX plugins.PluginContext PluginImpl PluginInfo PostCreateAssoc PostCreateTopic PostDeleteAssoc PostDeleteTopic PostLoginUser PostLogoutUser PostUpdateAssoc PostUpdateTopic PreCreateAssoc PreCreateAssocType PreCreateRoleType PreCreateTopic PreCreateTopicType PreDeleteAssoc PreDeleteTopic PreSendAssoc PreSendAssocType PreSendTopic PreSendTopicType PreUpdateAssoc PreUpdateTopic PrivilegedAccess QueryResult RelatedAssoc An Assoc-Assoc pair.RelatedAssocModel RelatedAssocModelImpl RelatedObject RelatedObjectModel RelatedTopic A Topic-Assoc pair.RelatedTopicModel RelatedTopicModelImpl ResourceInfo RoleType A role type is basically a topic plus a view config.RoleTypeModel Data that underlies aRoleType
.SequencedHashMap<K,V> ServiceRequestFilter ServiceResponseFilter SharingMode SimpleValue A wrapper for the topic/assoc value (atomic, non-null).StaticResourceFilter StorageDecorator A utility layer above storage implementation.StoredFile StringCollectionProvider TimestampsPlugin TimestampsService Topic A topic -- DMX's central data object.TopicCoords TopicDeletionModel Topicmap A topicmap model: a collection of topics and associations plus their view properties.TopicmapCustomizer TopicmapsPlugin TopicmapsService TopicmapType TopicModel The data that underly aTopic
.TopicModelImpl TopicPlayer A topic at the end of anAssoc
.TopicPlayerModel The data that underly aTopicPlayer
.TopicReferenceModel TopicResult TopicType Part of DMX's type system, like a class whose instances areTopic
s.TopicTypeModel The data that underly aTopicType
.Transactional TypeModel UniversalExceptionMapper Maps exceptions to suitable HTTP responses.UploadedFile An InputStream attributable by name and size values.ViewAssoc An association viewmodel as contained in a topicmap viewmodel.ViewConfig A container for config topics.ViewConfigModel A container for config topics.ViewProps A mapping of prop URIs (strings) to prop values (objects).ViewTopic A topic viewmodel as contained in a topicmap viewmodel.WebclientPlugin WebservicePlugin REST API forCoreService
.WebSocketConnection WebSocketService WebSocketServiceImpl WebSocketServlet WebsocketTextMessage WorkspacesPlugin WorkspacesService